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Fall In Love With God

(Written by: Kahlil Hermon)


Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. 

Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)


Who is God to you? What do you know about Him? Perhaps some of you

are like me; dragged by their parents to church on Sundays. At a young

age I knew of God based on what I learned at Sunday school. I know that

God created the world, that He created man and woman,

He opened up the Red sea, and saved Daniel from the lion’s den.

We know all these Bible stories.


But who is God?

Jesus said that He is the only one who fully knows God; the only One who accurately understands the
Father (Matthew 11:27). God has always been a mystery to me. God’s “invisible qualities - his eternal
power and divine nature - have been clearly seen (Romans 1:20)” in His creation, yet I still cannot seem
to have a full grasp of who God is. Surely, I cannot see God, yet I feel so loved by Him. I cannot see God,
yet  He gives me peace that transcends all things, hope that never disappoints, provisions that overflow
and love that satisfies. We can all learn something new about God every single day.

When I get asked questions such as, How do I stop my porn addiction? How do I stop engaging in
gossip? How do I stop judging others? How do I stop cursing? How can I forgive when it’s hard? My
answer to these questions is simple. Fall in love with God.

                                                    When you pour your energy into stopping yourself from sinning, you are still                                                              trying to rid yourself of the sin/addiction by your own strength. Instead, pour                                                            your energy into reading your bible, praying daily, and fellowshipping with other                                                      followers of Christ. By doing this, you are allowing the Holy Spirit to work in you.
                                                    The more you do this daily and consistently, the more you will fall in love with                                                            God, and the more encounters you will have with Him. God CAN deliver and                                                                restore you, even if you are the worst of sinners (2 Chronicles 7:14).

                                                    So I encourage you today to draw near to God. Call unto the Lord, and let Him                                                          reveal His wonderful mysteries to you.



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